I have always believed in second hand fashion. My mom would take me school shopping at second hand stores, and I have been hooked ever since. In the early 1980’s, I used to sneak away in the family car, and head to Berkeley for the super cool second hand clothing stores. Back then, my friends thought it was weird. But times have changed. Companies like The Real Real and Poshmark are springing up, bringing millions in valuation to the stock market. Even Macy’s and Neiman Marcus have a carefully curated secondhand section in some stores. Second hand is now big business and has become mainstream. Not only are prices a fraction of the original retail cost, but people are realizing we cannot sustain our planet if we keep consuming as we are.

Early on, I saw how ebay was going to change how people shopped. Living in the Silicon Valley during the dotcom boom, I got my start selling a vintage wedding dress on ebay, and ran with it, selling vintage textiles, fabric and clothing. I was often contacted by companies for my insight into ebay during the early days, and I was one of their first Power Sellers.

I am a professional chef by trade, but I love my bridal shop. And I love my customers! I just want everyone to feel welcome, relaxed, and to just have a great experience while they are here.

I live in San Ramon with Poppy, my tiny 4.5 lb. rescue Chihuahua 🙂

Pink Shoe lace ribbon